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Savings Comparison

The amount you can save from dental treatment in Budapest differs depending on the extent of the treatment as well as on the exchange rate. Generally speaking, your savings can pay for your trip and stay for treatments that would cost from GBP 1,750 at a local dentist. The following examples may give you a good idea of the price level.

If you have a specified quotation from your local dentist, then you can go to our price list and compare directly, but if you only have a total price, then you can use the following rule of thumb to calculate a ball park figure of what you can save:
60% of the price quoted by your local dentist is your gross savings
Deduct GBP 1,000/EUR 1,200 for travel and lodging to get net savings

Often you will be able to save more than 50% and some times you will spend more or less than the average amount.

Quality Guarantee  
Quality Guarantee Dacadia Dental Bt.
Ilka u. 17/A, IV/15
H-1143 Budapest

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